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  • Disciples / Traubel 594
Search : William White
Sub Section : Disciples / Traubel

594 results

Saturday, May 9, 1891

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

be so utterly worn out as I am, after I, in some measure, recovered from the exhaustion of nursing William

Well, it is no matter, only that I did want, & do want very much to finish up all this work that William

And again, "William gone now two years! Who would believe it?"

Sunday, March 24, 1889

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

"About William?"

I gave you a letter from William some days ago in which he spoke of Marvin.

["No: he will not last long: it is about a year now since that was written: William is, alas!

["He'll be a rich publisher some day, William, unless all the signs fail!"]

William used to say: 'Walt, you're entitled to it: nobody will do it for you: do it for yourself.'"

Saturday, November 17, 1888.

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

Poetry in America: much ruffled, old, dirty, written on paper of various colors—some of it yellow, some white

Article in December issue of Magazine of Art on portraits of Dante Rossetti written by William his brother

Sunday, October 20, 1889

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

He exclaimed—"That's Talcott Williams!" Thought he would "make an effort to get out today."

Wednesday, March 20, 1889

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

Gave W. a message from Talcott Williams.

Williams had said that he expected to be in Algiers by this time.

I gave Williams a Sarrazin sheet. He said he might use some of it in the Press.

"It came yesterday or day before: it's from Williams: he wrote it that day he was here with Morris: he

Said W.: "I have been very glad to hear of that: I had not known of it before: glad for William's sake

Wednesday, September 18, 1889

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

O'Connor, not knowing if she already had a copy—one to Doctor—one to that dear friend of William's who

pause: "Already I have an idea I discern a faint glint, glimmer, growing, of reviving interest in William

Sunday, November 29, 1891

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

How much Wallace would have got from William O'Connor!

To have seen William at his best was a world not to be forgotten, ever."

Wednesday, August 12, 1891

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

William went to some trouble, I understand, to gather them."

But, "There was another Long Island fellow I knew those early days—William Mount, artist—character-ist

Monday, September 7, 1891

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

But what are we to say to this—that Talcott Williams was there, saw it, comes to me and tells me it is

W. then, after solution, "I only wish I had William O'Connor here now.

Tuesday, January 29, 1889

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

"I have had more letters: one from Nellie O'Connor: she does not write very hopeful news: William is

Nellie says also that for the first time William is himself despondent—thinks the outlook a poor, a hopeless

I am a little sorry for Nellie: she is physically of the delicate intellectual type: William is heavy—now

"William was truly a temperance man: in the real sense so: he used to enjoy wine—an occasional glass,

Sunday, May 27, 1888.

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

Referring to Frank Williams: "Frank has written poetry—a good deal of it, I judge: some of it first rate

have often talked together about Anne Gilchrist and A Woman's Estimate of Walt Whitman, made up by William

Rossetti.Your letter of last summer to William O'Connor with the passages transcribed from a lady's correspondence

In Rossetti Papers, 1903, compiled by William Michael Rossetti, I find this diary reference to the Whitman

Thursday, June 7, 1888.

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

"William, taking him for all in all, I should consider my most ardent friend: O'Connor, with his KelticCeltic

learn to look for in O'Connor: the soarings, the brilliant sparkle of satire and wit—the Irish—in William

Swinburne my heartiest thanks for the copy of William Blake sent me, and also for his kind and generous

Rossetti—William—was one of the first of my friends over there—has been one of the staunchest—right along

Thursday, September 12, 1889

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

"Talcott Williams was here to see me today—stayed, I suppose, half an hour or so.

With Walt Whitman in Camden (vol. 3)

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

Yours respectfully,William H.

apper, indisputably for white."

He answered: "To William: I wanted William to see it: he has followed things so closely.

Yes: that 'sthat's William—the undaunted William: the fiery friend and lover."

Then exclaimed: "O William! William! If only our former days and nights could be renewed!

Friday, November 23, 1888.

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

William Lloyd Garrison has just written an open letter to Senator Hoar treating this very same subject

He answered: "To William: I wanted William to see it: he has followed things so closely.

Last week I saw William Rossetti, and he advised me to send the amount through the Post Office, which

I shall wait very eagerly for some word from you; with great love (in which William Rossetti asked to

Saturday, December 1, 1888.

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

always talk like this: that I love O'Connor for doing exactly the opposite thing: so I do: I like William

I said: "You speak of William and Dowden: I don't think that the difference between them is the difference

Bucke says William goes on and Dowden stands still.

William goes on, sure enough: but if Dowden stands still how is it he ever came to recognize you?"

I for my part am rather more disposed to William's than to John's estimate, characterization, of Hugo

Tuesday, March 26, 1889

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

news from O'Connor—though indirect news: nothing straight from Washington but a letter here from William's

Doctor says, there are some things that are not to be desired: we may do him wrong to desire to have William's

"I saw at once how baseless Frank Williams' suspicions of Walsh were when I looked through the matter

If I believe that way, then I should say so, Williams or no Williams: if I do not believe that way, then

Friday, August 31, 1888.

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

Read what he says of William." Bucke had written: "I had a letter from O'Connor.

that and more: like a grandest fellow as he is: words are so weak and William is so strong!"

McPhelim seems to have an idea that Charles O'Connor and our William O'Connor are the same person.

been reading in a paper about a big free trade meeting in New York addressed by Henry George and William

Sons of the big men are rarely big: it would be curious if William Lloyd Garrison two should get as famous

Tuesday, May 12, 1891

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

Gave me a copy of Black and White for my father.

Monday, January 4, 1892

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

quiet sleep without hiccough.2:30 Asked to have his grey English undershirt put on instead of the new white

Tuesday, March 10, 1891

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

It confirms my own and Williams' idea of the footnote. Mrs.

Thursday, July 26, 1888.

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

"Some kind words from my friend William Carey there—William Carey.

William O'Connor under the same excitation would blow fiercely and leave his mark on the landscape."

Tuesday, April 23, 1889

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

They talked a little about Frank Williams, to who Curtis referred as evidently in mourning for someone

Williams well, and Frank Williams too, the husband"—adding as to the mourning—"It is not any of the children

Thursday, May 24, 1888.

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

"No—I am sure not—at least not anyone necessarily, though perhaps Tom Donaldson—perhaps Talcott Williams—though

"You like Williams." "Yes, I do. Someone was here the other day—spoke of him as a prig.

But there is more to Williams than all that: he has original talent of no common order—but I guess it

Tuesday, May 29, 1888.

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

depend upon it William Blake's maxim is a sound one, "First thoughts in Art, second in other matters.

William O'Connor seems to feel the same way about it—Bucke too: perhaps even Burroughs."

W. said tonight as he in substance has said to me before: "My relations with William Rossetti have always

Wednesday, November 11, 1891

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

for sending those old books, but they were the only copies of Consuelo & the Sequel that I had, & William

I could write a small volume of the things that Walt & William used to say of Consuelo.And how is Annie

Asks himself, "Could it have been Talcott Williams?" And answers himself also, "Impossible!

Saturday, December 12, 1891

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

Coates protested to Frank Williams at last Club meeting, "Why don't you say something in defense of the

The Reinhalters—this woman—and I do not know but Talcott Williams, too—our friend Talcott" (reflecting

about Williams' retention of that manuscript).

Saturday, September 13, 1890

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

O, if only William O'Connor were alive! How he would take up a lance for him!

And he would say that Tolstoi's picture was true, too, for William knew all those things well—had as

Wednesday, December 10, 1890

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

William! William O'Connor.

Sunday, October 28, 1888.

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

William speaks of 'a week'—expects a change in a week—is still having battery treatment.

There is a little of the let-us-cry character about John's letters," said W.: "you would never catch William

apology towards life: his acceptance of life is always vehement and conclusive: I always feel in William's

Sick or well, sad or glad, William is the same man—cheerful, tonic, like a strong wind off the sea.

Thursday, March 29, 1888.

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

the hour for O'Connor: O'Connor was the man for this hour: and from that time on the 'good gray,' William's

Thursday, May 21, 1891

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

Warrie tells me; W. so far has forgotten to refer to it.I arranged to meet Frank Williams and Morris

Wednesday, July 2, 1890

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

The modern soldier—the soldier of our armies—the soldiers of Sherman, our William Sherman—contrast, take-off

Saturday, February 15, 1890

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

It seems that the man—or one of the men—to whom William loaned money— is not paying up according to promise

Wednesday, December 17, 1890

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

Had he heard from Talcott Williams? "No—not a word—but I am not worried.

Monday, February 2, 1891

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

Do you know, Horace, I think Talcott Williams has a suspicion of an inclination that way, too.

Monday, April 21, 1890

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

Frank Williams came in to tell me today of a letter he had seen, written by an intimate friend of Tennyson

Friday, May 24, 1889

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

"Yes—that would mean Clifford, Tom, Herbert, Frank Williams, perhaps the Colonel—who else?"

I referred W. to a letter from William C. Gannett today.

Saturday, December 13, 1890

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

brief prefatory note to a volume containing "The Brazen Android," an unpublished tale by the late William

William Lloyd.

Saturday, April 20, 1889

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

Out of the neck of his sherry bottle, now filled with water, white and red roses.

Thursday, November 5, 1891

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

I put in, "Why shouldn't the Jew expatriate the Russian or the negro the white?" "Exactly, exactly.

Monday, October 28, 1889

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

.: that "he came down stairs with his long white beard all on," that she was "afraid of him," that he

Sunday, May 20, 1888.

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

"I have some books and papers to send by you, William," he said.

In reply to a question W. said he had never read William Morris' Earthly Paradise.

Take the Emperor Frederick William—I have wished him to live—for years—to live to do his work, which

Tuesday, June 5, 1888.

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

Clapp, Jr.W. said before I had read the clipping: "William O'Connor was greatly pleased with it.

"William said: 'There you are, sure: He is nothing but a rowdy, wears a boatman's shirt and slouched

William said: 'Walt—it don't all fit but a good deal of it fits and what fits fits damned well.'"

Monday, December 31, 1888.

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

This was his "great concern for William."

But I know what William means: he used to say to me sometimes—'Walt, when it comes to some things you've

But I confess William would go way ahead of me in that direction—was gifted beyond us all: was sensitive

I remember an Othello criticism: undoubtedly written by William Winter: Winter is the dramatic editor

Saturday, March 30, 1889

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

William had the best night last night since a week ago and has sat up all day. Your card just here.

Le Barnes in, and looking at your big book, for which we thank you, both William and I, each, for our

William sends love.

Then he suddenly exclaimed: "Wouldn't it be grand to think of William as getting all over this—getting

["Yes, William!"

Wednesday, July 23, 1890

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

Unpinned a sheet proving to be the page extract I had written from the note about Tennyson that Frank Williams

Tuesday, April 7, 1891

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

Neither of us have word from Talcott Williams yet.

Tuesday, May 20, 1890

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

over Gilder's note.With Bucke to the Contemporary Club; after the adjournment of which, Morris, Williams

Sunday, November 25, 1888

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

I went up to the White House with a friend of mine, an M.

wouldn't believe until you were convinced,' as you say: you held off: you half thought I was lying: William

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