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Literary Manuscripts



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318 items

Title Date (not before) Date (not after)
were paid for with steamships 1850 1855
Such boundless and affluent souls 1850 1856
This is the Earths word 1850 1856
A nation announcing itself 1855 1856
(Of the great poet) 1850 1856
Bloom 1850 1856
Health does not tell any 1850 1856
I do not compose 1850 1856
Europe Laplanders 1850 1856
Asia 1850 1856
Rule in all addresses 1850 1856
I say that Democracy 1850 1856
wainscot, hut 1850 1856
Breathjuice 1850 1856
Iron works 1855 1856
something that presents the sentiment 1850 1856
are you and me 1855 1856
Poem of Pictures 1850 1856
To the English 1850 1859
In a poem make the thought 1850 1859
What shall the great poet 1850 1859
A large, good-looking woman 1850 1859
American air I have breathed 1850 1859
I say that if once 1850 1860
Europe Cape Clear 1850 1860
Of Ownership 1856 1860
Walt Whitman's Caution 1856 1860
The most immense part of 1855 1860
Perfect serenity of mind 1850 1860
in Poem of Existence 1850 1860
Books, as now produced 1850 1860
Sculpture 1850 1860
Slavery 1850 1860
Caution 1855 1860
you cannot define too clearly 1850 1860
Progenitors 1850 1860
And there, farther south 1850 1860
What we call literature is 1845 1860
Isaac Joseph Stephen Jesse 1850 1860
Municipal legislation 1840 1860
Free cider 1850 1860
in the West 1850 1860
of these poems 1845 1860
The idea of reconciliation 1854 1860
In Nature all is so real 1850 1860
For remember that behind all 1845 1860
Vast national tracts 1854 1860
Names or terms 1850 1860
for droppings 1850 1860
The regular time 1840 1860
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