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  • letter 367


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367 results

Orville Hickman Browning to T. B. Florence, 2 July 1868

  • Date: July 2, 1868
  • Creator(s): Orville Hickman Browning | Walt Whitman

suspend the case of Christian Priesendantz for a few days—but enclose for your information a copy of my

Orville Hickman Browning to John McAllister Schofield, 3 July 1868

  • Date: July 3, 1868
  • Creator(s): Orville Hickman Browning | Walt Whitman

Sir: After my letter of yesterday, relative to the case of United States, vs .

The circumstances which I mentioned in my former letter on this subject, however, render it practically

Orville Hickman Browning to Edward Jordan, 6 July 1868

  • Date: July 6, 1868
  • Creator(s): Orville Hickman Browning | Walt Whitman

Louis Packet Company, is submitted to me for my opinion on the questions of law arising in the premises

of them, and that I would with pleasure consider the questions of law in the case, should he desire my

Orville Hickman Browning to Hugh McCulloch, 6 July 1868

  • Date: July 6, 1868
  • Creator(s): Orville Hickman Browning | Walt Whitman

Solicitor of the Treasury, requesting my advice upon certain questions arising upon the claim of the

My predecessors have repeatedly declined to give opinions at the instance of other officers than those

Should you desire my opinion upon the law of the case, it will afford me pleasure to consider the questions

involved, and communicate to my views in regard to them.

William M. Evarts to Lyman Trumbull, 23 July 1868

  • Date: July 23, 1868
  • Creator(s): William M. Evarts | Walt Whitman

My position in reference to the case, as having been consulted in it in my private professional capacity

William M. Evarts to Andrew Johnson, 18 August 1868

  • Date: August 18, 1868
  • Creator(s): William M. Evarts | Walt Whitman

To the President: Sir: I find on file in my office certain charges against Luther C.

Matthew F. Pleasants to R. T. Miller, 22 August 1868

  • Date: August 22, 1868
  • Creator(s): Matthew F. Pleasants | Walt Whitman

Miller, who has been appointed as my successor, has not yet qualified, and I have been informed that

William M. Evarts to Hugh McCulloch, 1 September 1868

  • Date: September 1, 1868
  • Creator(s): William M. Evarts | Walt Whitman

the matter of the Government subsidy to the Union Pacific Railroad in a few days, as I have formed my

In the meantime, the result to which I have come enables me to say that, in my opinion, the conditions

J. Hubley Ashton to John McAllister Schofield, 7 September 1868

  • Date: September 7, 1868
  • Creator(s): J. Hubley Ashton | Walt Whitman

Sir: Referring to my letter of the 3rd instant, enclosing a telegram from the United States Marshal for

were obstructed on the occasion mentioned, which give full particulars of the occurrences mentioned in my

William M. Evarts to C. C. Clay, 9 November 1868

  • Date: November 9, 1868
  • Creator(s): William M. Evarts | Walt Whitman

Clay having brought to my notice the subject of the proceedings, now or heretofore pending against you

William M. Evarts to D. Marvin, 14 November 1868

  • Date: November 14, 1868
  • Creator(s): William M. Evarts | Walt Whitman

My dear Sir: In reply to your note of 12th inst., desiring, as counsel for the Commercial Nav'g'n Co.

, an interview with me during my expected visit to New York, I beg to say that I shall be pleased to

William M. Evarts to H. H. Wells, 20 November 1868

  • Date: November 20, 1868
  • Creator(s): William M. Evarts | Walt Whitman

Letcher, came to my hands only this morning, in consequence of my absence from the city.

William M. Evarts to Charles O'Connor, 20 November 1868

  • Date: November 20, 1868
  • Creator(s): William M. Evarts | Walt Whitman

trial, with such counsel as shall represent the defendant there, in conformity to the suggestions of my

William M. Evarts to Richard H. Dana, 20 November 1868

  • Date: November 20, 1868
  • Creator(s): William M. Evarts | Walt Whitman

that he will be in attendance at the Court in Richmond, prepared to make the arrangement suggested in my

The term commences on Monday, the 23d inst., I learn, and not the 25th as has heretofore been my impression

William M. Evarts to William H. Seward, 21 November 1868

  • Date: November 21, 1868
  • Creator(s): William M. Evarts | Walt Whitman

Sir: Your letter of the 26th ultimo submits for my opinion this question: May a Consul retain for his

After an examination of the statutes relating to the subject, and to which you have directed my attention

J. Hubley Ashton to C. L. Dickerman, 23 November 1868

  • Date: November 23, 1868
  • Creator(s): J. Hubley Ashton | Walt Whitman

for naval purposes, I have to inform you that, the title to this property having been passed upon by my

William M. Evarts to William Schouler, 24 November 1868

  • Date: November 24, 1868
  • Creator(s): William M. Evarts | Walt Whitman

Sir: I am in receipt of your letter of the 16th inst. calling my attention to the case of Hosmer v. the

William M. Evarts to Winer Bethel, 25 November 1868

  • Date: November 25, 1868
  • Creator(s): William M. Evarts | Walt Whitman

My purpose at present is, to request that you will send me, if you still have connection with this matter

S. shall be taken in the matter, without communicating with me, and receiving my instructions.

William M. Evarts to Thomas J. Boynton, 25 November 1868

  • Date: November 25, 1868
  • Creator(s): William M. Evarts | Walt Whitman

as District Attorney during this vacancy, I have no person to address to accomplish the objects of my

William M. Evarts to Charles O'Conor, 28 November 1868

  • Date: November 28, 1868
  • Creator(s): William M. Evarts | Walt Whitman

What I may find it possible, or think it my duty to do, in regard to a personal participation in the

matter at Richmond, it is quite out of my power at present to determine; as my preparations for the ensuing

term of the Supreme Court of the United States, on special assignment, requiring my personal attendance

William M. Evarts to Richard H. Dana, Jr., 28 November 1868

  • Date: November 28, 1868
  • Creator(s): William M. Evarts | Walt Whitman

—The object of my present communication is to advise you of the probability of such a rule requiring

William M. Evarts to Richard H. Dana, Jr., 30 November 1868

  • Date: November 30, 1868
  • Creator(s): William M. Evarts | Walt Whitman

Come directly to my house. Please answer by telegraph when I may expect you. Wm. M. Evarts.

William M. Evarts to William Fullerton, 23 December 1868

  • Date: December 23, 1868
  • Creator(s): William M. Evarts | Walt Whitman

Sir: Your letter of the 15th Dec. inst. calls my attention to a certain course of proceedings of Mr.

Your letter also calls my attention to the supposed authority which you had, in consequence of or in

In a personal interview during your visit to Washington immediately after my reception of your letter

of making good the assurances of the government, in this sense and to this extent, I considered it my

I beg to enclose a copy of my letter to the Dist. Attorney, for your information.

William M. Evarts to Andrew Johnson, 7 January 1869

  • Date: January 7, 1869
  • Creator(s): William M. Evarts | Walt Whitman

the representative of the claimants, to agree upon such a presentation of the facts as will raise for my

Should this anticipation be realized, it will be my pleasure as well as my duty, to give early consideration

William M. Evarts to John Jay, 14 January 1869

  • Date: January 14, 1869
  • Creator(s): William M. Evarts | Walt Whitman

the court to advance it for argument, & named the first Tuesday in February as the earliest day that my

previous engagments in court would permit of my attention to the argument, and as being probably as

William M. Evarts to Samuel Blatchford, 16 January 1869

  • Date: January 16, 1869
  • Creator(s): William M. Evarts | Walt Whitman

Egins is strongly pressed upon my attention as justly requiring the interposition of the Executive clemency

I should not take the liberty of again referring the subject to you, after your reply to my former reference

examination of the affidavits presented to me, on behalf of the prisoner made a considerable impression upon my

I am unwilling however to proceed upon my own impression in this regard, notwithstanding my respect for

William M. Evarts to G. M. Chilcott, 23 January 1869

  • Date: January 23, 1869
  • Creator(s): William M. Evarts | Walt Whitman

I regret that other occupations have prevented my giving earlier attention to the application.

William M. Evarts to Gideon Welles, 4 February 1869

  • Date: February 4, 1869
  • Creator(s): William M. Evarts | Walt Whitman

rendered in relation to the title of League Island, sent to me in your letter of the 5th ultimo for my

opinion as to the reasonableness of the charge; and to say that in my opinion Fifteen hundred dollars

William M. Evarts to John McAllister Schofield, 5 February 1869

  • Date: February 5, 1869
  • Creator(s): William M. Evarts | Walt Whitman

If your Department, however, should not regard it proper to pay this judgment, I should deem it my duty

William M. Evarts to Hugh McCulloch, 6 February 1869

  • Date: February 6, 1869
  • Creator(s): William M. Evarts | Walt Whitman

have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 11th ultimo, requesting me to give you my

While I would be very happy to give my individual opinion upon this subject, if I were possessed of the

which is one of fact and not of law, and therefore not within the scope of the authority and duty of my

William M. Evarts to John McAllister Schofield, 6 February 1869

  • Date: February 6, 1869
  • Creator(s): William M. Evarts | Walt Whitman

Joseph Conrad, Captain 29th U. S.

William M. Evarts to A. J. Parker, 6 February 1869

  • Date: February 6, 1869
  • Creator(s): William M. Evarts | Walt Whitman

It is not in my power to assign you so early a day. Will write by mail. Wm. M.

William M. Evarts to Joshua F. Bailey, 8 February 1869

  • Date: February 8, 1869
  • Creator(s): William M. Evarts | Walt Whitman

My dear Sir: I have received two communications from you, having date, respectively, January 28th, ult

the 4th inst. that you have some purpose of publishing these letters—and you intimate a desire for my

either officially or personally, I cannot consent to be made a party, and should decline, if I had my

William M. Evarts to G. F. Jenks, 9 February 1869

  • Date: February 9, 1869
  • Creator(s): William M. Evarts | Walt Whitman

City The subject to which your letter refers had received my official attention some days since, and

William M. Evarts to William H. Seward, 16 February 1869

  • Date: February 16, 1869
  • Creator(s): William M. Evarts | Walt Whitman

together with a Report thereon by the Examiner of Claims in your Dept., and requesting an expression of my

This reference presents, as I conceive, purely a question of fact for my determination, and such a question

William M. Evarts to Benjamin F. Wade, 16 February 1869

  • Date: February 16, 1869
  • Creator(s): William M. Evarts | Walt Whitman

Gomez, omitted in my communication of the 13th inst. I have the honor to be, &c. &c. &c. Wm. M.

William M. Evarts to John McAllister Schofield, 17 February 1869

  • Date: February 17, 1869
  • Creator(s): William M. Evarts | Walt Whitman

the Court of Claims, which has been dismissed with your consent, pursuant to the advice contained in my

William M. Evarts to Benjamin F. Wade, 20 February 1869

  • Date: February 20, 1869
  • Creator(s): William M. Evarts | Walt Whitman

Before undertaking to comply with the requisition upon me of this Resolution, which it would be my pleasure

—It will, therefore, be entirely out of my power to furnish any part of this information concerning convictions

information, sought for the means of comparison between the convictions and pardons, & as it is wholly out of my

to the Senate to submit myself to its direction as to whether the partial information which it is in my

William M. Evarts to Benjamin F. Wade, 22 February 1869

  • Date: February 22, 1869
  • Creator(s): William M. Evarts | Walt Whitman

My letters to Mr. Courtney of the 2d and 21st of November last are hereto annexed, marked A and B .

The prosecutions referred to in my letters were for frauds upon Internal Revenue, as I then understood

Upon my inquiring whether he was expecting to obtain the consent of these accusers to the submission

Attorney Courtney— and these, and these alone, were the reasons for my direction of the suspension or

Eckel, and until my examination of the case, and my final directions thereupon, that the indictment in

William M. Evarts to B. F. Butler, 25 February 1869

  • Date: February 25, 1869
  • Creator(s): William M. Evarts | Walt Whitman

Schley having my entire confidence, as well as your own, I concur in your suggestion that they be employed

William M. Evarts to Orville Hickman Browning, 26 February 1869

  • Date: February 26, 1869
  • Creator(s): William M. Evarts | Walt Whitman

entries of certain lands at East Laginaw, Mich., by Charles Rodd and Henry Peter, which has received my

William M. Evarts to Edward Jordan, 27 February 1869

  • Date: February 27, 1869
  • Creator(s): William M. Evarts | Walt Whitman

such directions respecting the proceedings allowed to as I may deem expedient, or to express to you my

I regard the subject of your letter, and the request for my advice and direction in the premises, as

William M. Evarts to Gideon Welles, 27 February 1869

  • Date: February 27, 1869
  • Creator(s): William M. Evarts | Walt Whitman

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 26th inst. requesting my opinion

McKeon, and return them herewith, with the endorsement of my opinion thereon.

William M. Evarts to Orville Hickman Browning, 27 February 1869

  • Date: February 27, 1869
  • Creator(s): William M. Evarts | Walt Whitman

If you approve a reversal of the judgment, it will be my pleasure to carry that desire into effect.

Ebenezer Rockwood Hoar to Elihu B. Washburne, 11 March 1869

  • Date: March 11, 1869
  • Creator(s): Ebenezer Rockwood Hoar | Walt Whitman

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of my commission as Attorney General of the United States

I herewith enclose my oath of allegiance, duly executed.

Ebenezer Rockwood Hoar to Edward Jordan, 12 March 1869

  • Date: March 12, 1869
  • Creator(s): Ebenezer Rockwood Hoar | Walt Whitman

Attorney for Georgia: "I deem it my duty to report that it is currently rumored that the U. S.

Ebenezer Rockwood Hoar to J. D. Cox, 12 March 1869

  • Date: March 12, 1869
  • Creator(s): Ebenezer Rockwood Hoar | Walt Whitman

I deem it my duty to report that it is currently rumored that the U. S.

Ebenezer Rockwood Hoar to John A. Rawlins, 15 March 1869

  • Date: March 15, 1869
  • Creator(s): Ebenezer Rockwood Hoar | Walt Whitman

You will find that my predecessor, Mr.

Ebenezer Rockwood Hoar to Hamilton Fish, 25 March 1869

  • Date: March 25, 1869
  • Creator(s): Ebenezer Rockwood Hoar | Walt Whitman

Seward, Secretary of State, of August 14, 1868, to my predecessor, Mr.

Ebenezer Rockwood Hoar to George S. Boutwell, 26 March 1869

  • Date: March 26, 1869
  • Creator(s): Ebenezer Rockwood Hoar | Walt Whitman

This subject was referred to my Department by the President, was duly considered, and a Report thereon

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