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Literary Manuscripts

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126 items

Title Date (not before) Date (not after)
His earliest printed plays 1850 1893
track gangs 1890 1893
Modern English Poets 1851 1892
Robert Southey 1847 1892
A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers 1849 1892
Barthold Niebuhr 1854 1892
Niembsch Lenau 1850 1892
1854 Alexander Smith's poems 1854 1892
An Ossianic Paragraph 1846 1892
Immortality was realized 1854 1892
Neibelungen-leid 1856 1892
Books of WW 1890 1892
The Ruins, or, Meditation on the Revolutions of Empires 1890 1892
Christopher under Canvass 1849 1892
Imagination and Fact 1852 1892
The Slavonians and Eastern Europe 1849 1892
He dates the origin of mankind 1840 1892
Lessing's Laocoön 1851 1892
Ascent of Mount Popocatapetl 1854 1892
Richard Burbage 1840 1892
good statement 1819 1892
The idea (illustrated by Kant) 1837 1892
With all Macpherson's restorations 1835 1892
Our own account of this poem, "the German Iliad" 1854 1892
What are inextricable from the British poets 1855 1892
Dryden 1631 to 1701 1853 1892
1855—I have looked over Gerald Massey's Poems 1855 1892
Rousseau's Confessions 1850 1892
Diderot (Dennis Diderot) 1849 1892
Lafontaine, born about 1621 1853 1892
Edmund Spenser: born about 1553—died 1599. 1835 1892
Goethe—from about 1750 1855 1892
Louis 14th, born 1638 1855 1892
Frances Wright 1857 1892
The Social Contract 1837 1892
Goethe's Complete works 1856 1892
Richter born 1763 died 1825 1840 1892
The Nibelungen 1850 1892
Frederick Schlegel 1772–1829 1854 1892
Torquato Tasso 1859 1892
Memory.—Nothing makes this faculty 1835 1892
He is a precursor 1847 1892
Even now Jasmund 1850 1892
The celebrated old German poem 1854 1892
Egyptian religion 1838 1892
Bunsen 1854 1892
Of Insanity 1840 1892
The Vanity and the Glory of Literature 1849 1892
73 Specimen Days 1884 1892
The florid rich 1850 1892
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